This is my
Full Name: Low Jian Liang
Primary School: Tao Nan School (1-4C, 5-6D)
Secondary School: Tanjong Katong Secondary School (1-2G, 3-4D)
Birthday: 12 October 1992
Zodiac sign: MONKEY =P
Horoscope: Libra
That's all of my particulars... Now I shall tell you my hobbies and interests. If you think this is lame please press the X thingie at the top right hand corner of the screen(if it is maximised).
My favorite

Games: Maple, Defense of the Ancients(DotA) P.s. I am a noob at both games though O.o
Animez: Code Geass, Bleach, Claymore
Anime TYPES: Fantasy, Action
Movie types: animation, horror--I will scream very loud one
Manga: CelestialZone (Singapore manga), Naruto( Naruto nicer in manga than anime because anime always waste time making the characters stare at each other)
Subject: Mathz...but I hate the homeworks. Oops, its pieces of homework.
Sports: Badminton since its the only game I play
There is nothing interesting about me other than the fact that I'm still a soprano in choir even though I'm a 15 yrs old boy. I can talk in low voice but only for a few seconds... that's why I'm still in soprano.
----THE END----
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