Wednesday, 15 April 2009:
JianLiang took his first Physical Geography test, which he obviously studied a lot for..
Many hours later, Jianliang went to the Alpha Biodiesel Pte Ltd with many other classmates to learn about biodiesel since someone signed him up for it when he was absent from school.. It was such an "unforgettable" experience as it was his first time in a plant(not the living plant duuhh)..
After the trip, me, wan(chen)^2 (I cant type "square" without numpad.."), Aish and JiaYan went to pizza hut to eat, not forgetting the usual gossip session. However, gossip contents are limited to the gossip club only, so I shall not post any of them here
Thursday, 16th April 2009:
JianLiang had another fun chemistry practical where he stained his shirt and fingers with Potassium manganate (VII).. That's not the worse part... The manganate(VII) ions are actually reduced to manganese dioxide, which permanently stained his shirt with a beautifully brown(shit) colour... Bleaching didn't help at all, according to his maid...
Friday, 17th April 2009:
Another much hated P.E. session... Too lazy to complain about it..
After which, there was a chemistry class test which he also studied a lot for.. ahem..
Saturday, 18th April:
JianLiang sacrificed his sleeping day for a visit to an elderly home organised by LEO Club... Upon his arrival, which was only 30 minutes after the expected meeting time, he heard some weird chinese songs which he didn't think that the elderly there had listened to them before.. Nevertheless, JianLiang just sang along..
After which, he had to play some weird game with the elderly
Sunday, 19th April:
JianLiang was bored... and hence the blog..